Emeritus & Fellowship


The AIA offers Emeritus membership (complimentary) to our retired Architect, International Associate, and Associate members.

Any AIA Architect/Associate member may apply for Emeritus status who

  • Has a total of 25 successive or non-successive years of membership in the institute, so long as the member has been in good standing for at least three successive years immediately preceding application, 
has been been in good standing 15 successive years prior to Emeritus membership application

  • Is Retired 

  • Is 70 years of age or older

Even if members do not meet all the requirements for this membership type, there are waivers available.

Emeritus status members certify that:

  • They have resigned from their previous firm and relinquished their practice.

  • They no longer sign or seal architectural drawings.

  • They no longer market their services as an architect or consultant.

  • They will refrain from establishing a firm or business name that will imply a continuation of architectural or consulting practice.

Emeritus application starts at the State Chapter level. If you would like to apply to become an Emeritus member, please fill out this form and return it to the AIANH office.

Questions, reach out to the AIANH office..


AIA Fellows are recognized with the AIA’s highest membership honor for their exceptional work and contributions to architecture and society.

Architects who have made significant contributions to the profession and society and who exemplify architectural excellence can become a member of the AIA College of Fellows. Only 3 percent of the AIA members have this distinction.


  • AIA architect members who have been in good standing for at least 10 years may be nominated.

  • Nominees must have completed 10 cumulative years as an AIA architect member prior to the nomination deadline.

  • If uncertainties exist about the period of membership, and after consulting with the local chapter, please contact Membership History to verify the candidate’s eligibility prior to preparing the submission.

Submissions for Fellowship typically open in June of each year.

Get all the details about AIA Fellowship here.